Alessandra Pieroni

Alessandra Pieroni

Alessandra Pieroni is in charge of the Department of Oriental Art of Wannenes Art Auctions since 2011. Passionate scholar of Oriental Art, Alessandra collected since the beginning important results, making the Department one of the top in the Italian market. In a constantly evolving market, the quality, the background and the state of conservation of the lots presented have made the auctions of this department a mandatory event in the international calendar.

+39 02 72023790

Villa Carrega Cataldi
Via Albaro 11 | 16145
Tel. +39 010 2530097
Palazzo Recalcati
Via Amedei 8 | 20123
Tel. +39 02 72023790
Palazzo Sabbatini
Via F. P. de Calboli, 6 | 00195
Tel. +39 06 69200565
Casa Ponzio-Vaglia
Via Giolitti 45/C | 10123
Tel. +39 011 0816100
Villa Cèline
6, avenue Saint Michel | 98000
Tel. +377 99 90 46 26
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