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Lucio Fontana Furthermore

Until February 27th 2018, the Pirelli Hangar Bicocca in Milan is putting on the exhibition, Lucio Fontana Ambienti/Environments, curated by Marina Pugliese, Barbara Ferriani and Vincente Todoli, in collaboration with the Lucio Fontana Foundation. Over almost twenty years Fontana (from 1951 with his Struttura al Neon for the 9th Milan Triennale up to the Ambiente spaziale in Documenta 4 in Kassel in 1968) pursued the study and production of his Ambienti spaziali, of rooms, corridors or walkable mazes, almost always destroyed at the end of the exhibition, yet built with innovative materials for the period – the beginning of the 1950’s – such as fluorescent paints, neon lights, backlights and structural elements like unstable or undulating floors. His visitors, though, were always intended to be at the very centre of his works.
Fontana, in his nine areas and two environmental interventions, invited the viewer – with all of his or her perceptive apparatus – inside an area in progress, beyond any sort of dimension so he or she would be able to grasp the whole experience, just as he had done before with his Craters that pierced the canvas in 1947.
A perceptive bewilderment, a loss of orientation, an intimate connection to the physical and the mental, all these things transform his Environments into an astonishing and ever-contemporary experience on account of Lucio Fontana’s innate ability to find in all areas of his artistic research new dimensions to the creative act.