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19th Century Paintings

by Rosanna Nobilitato

The Department of Nineteenth Century Paintings recorded excellent results for the first semester of 2016 with an increase of 156.1% and a percentage of lots sold of 58% and of lots sold by value of 112% for a total of 302,205 Euro.
The top lot was a large attractive painting (in terms of both composition and colour), dated 1903, by the Ligurian painter, Raffaele Giannetti featuring The Arrival in the Venice Lagoon, selling for 37,200 Euro. An indoor scene by Gerolamo Induno, entitled Reading , which depicted with the utmost sensitivity the details of the furnishings and the expression of the central figure was sold for 27,860 Euro and lastly, a fine view of Genoa, the Lantern and the Port by the set designer, Carlo Bossoli, from Lugano, reached 27,280 Euro.