[INCUNABLE] Three editions bound in one: GELLIUS, Aulus (123-180 A.D.). Aulus Gelius. Venice: Ioannem De Tridino alias Tacuinum, 6 Aprile, 1496.
Contemporary binding on wooden boards collecting three Venetian incunabula editions of Latin authors, the work of Gellius, the deeds of Alexander the Great by Curtius Rufus and the history of Tacitus
Folio, (310 x 210mm). Printed in Latin and Greek characters, printer's device at colophon (e8-f7 woodworm path at upper inner margin, detached gathering with ancient reinforcement at inner margin; m5-n4 woodworm path with loss of a few letters, some spotting and browning) [BOUND WITH:] CURTIUS RUFUS, Quintus. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni regis. Venice: Ioannes de Tridino alias Tacuinus, 1496. iiii. nonas. Decembris [2 December 1496!] Printer's device to colophon (reddening to right outer margin affecting text) [BOUND WITH:] TACITUS, Publius Cornelius. Historiae Augustae. Venice: Philippum Pinci : sumptibus domini Benedicti Fontana, 1497. die.xxij.martij) Large printer's device on the colophon (browning to the outer margin, small woodworm path to the last gathering with loss of a few letters. Contemporary binding on wooden boards, blindstamped leather spine, presence of the original laces provided with the clasps except for one (some wear and chipping). Provenance: occasional contemporary notes and illegible ownership inscriptions to title pages, 19th century markings to spine. (1)
Folio, (310 x 210mm). Printed in Latin and Greek characters, printer's device at colophon (e8-f7 woodworm path at upper inner margin, detached gathering with ancient reinforcement at inner margin; m5-n4 woodworm path with loss of a few letters, some spotting and browning) [BOUND WITH:] CURTIUS RUFUS, Quintus. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni regis. Venice: Ioannes de Tridino alias Tacuinus, 1496. iiii. nonas. Decembris [2 December 1496!] Printer's device to colophon (reddening to right outer margin affecting text) [BOUND WITH:] TACITUS, Publius Cornelius. Historiae Augustae. Venice: Philippum Pinci : sumptibus domini Benedicti Fontana, 1497. die.xxij.martij) Large printer's device on the colophon (browning to the outer margin, small woodworm path to the last gathering with loss of a few letters. Contemporary binding on wooden boards, blindstamped leather spine, presence of the original laces provided with the clasps except for one (some wear and chipping). Provenance: occasional contemporary notes and illegible ownership inscriptions to title pages, 19th century markings to spine. (1)
ESTIMATE € 5,000 - 8,000
PLUTARCUS (46-125 AD). Les Hommes illustres grecs et romains. Paris: Robinot, 1645.
PLUTARCUS (46-125 AD). Les Hommes illustres grecs et romains. Paris: Robinot, 1645.
ESTIMATE € 300 - 500
ROLEWINCK, Werner (1425-1502). Fasciculus temporum. [Venice]: Erhard Ratdolt, 1484.
ROLEWINCK, Werner (1425-1502). Fasciculus temporum. [Venice]: Erhard Ratdolt, 1484.
ESTIMATE € 1,500 - 2,500
SABELLICO, Mark Anthony (1436-1506). Exemplorum libri decem. Venice: Gabiano, 1507.
SABELLICO, Mark Anthony (1436-1506). Exemplorum libri decem. Venice: Gabiano, 1507.
ESTIMATE € 400 - 600
SABELLICO, Marco Antonio (1436-1506). Exemplorum libri decem. Paris: Le Preux, 1513.
SABELLICO, Marco Antonio (1436-1506). Exemplorum libri decem. Paris: Le Preux, 1513.
ESTIMATE € 300 - 500